
Vandag se ek vir die Here dankie vir Vilia Reynolds Hy het haar op my pad gestuur om my te help met PTSD ( Post Traumatic Sterss Disorder) Ek het 48jr oud geword en eendag het ek net geknak ek was net moeg .... Moeg om te lewe Moeg vir die lewe Moeg vir alles Alles wat ek moes hanteer en alles het net te veel geword ..... My lewe was net op daardie oomblik vir my te veel om mee te cope ek kon net nie meer nie ..... Ek was in die Polisie vanaf 1993 ek het by Virginia SAPS gewerk in 1994 het ek self in die Merriespruit Ramp gewerk was nooit behandel vir wat ek daar gesien het nie .... In 1997 is ek uit die Polisie het aan gegaan met my lewe .... In 2022 knak ek agv baie traumas wat ek deur gemaak het in my lewe en nooit behandel het nie ... Die sessies wat ek by Vilia Reynolds gedoen het omdat ek wou genees en omdat ek n beter mens wou wees, het my n lewens veranderde ervaring gegee... My lewe het n 360° draai gemaak, ek het innerlike genesing gekry.... Vandag kan ek praat oor traumas wat in my lewe gebeur het sonder om emosioneel te raak .... Ek is nie skaam om daaroor te praat nie ek het niks om weg te steek nie en is bly wanner ek iemand daardeur kan help .... PTSD

Annelle Jansen van Vuuren, South Africa

V.Y.R Behavioural Consultingu

V.Y.R Behavioural Consulting

Hi, I am Vilia Y Reynolds, a Professional Learning Development Trauma Practitioner specialising in trauma coaching and commonly referred to as a Trauma Life Coach. I am a Certified Trauma Incident Reduction Facilitator (TIRF) and a registered member of the Professional Excellence Team of Trauma Practitioners of TIRA and TIRA-SA.

I have over 40 years of experience in learning and development. I have honed my expertise in guiding individuals towards healing and growth. My unique therapeutic approach, the Wardrobe of Love Life-Coaching Model® WoL™, blends multiple techniques from Applied Metapsychology to support individuals on their transformative journeys. My dedication to continuous learning and development ensures I remain at the forefront of trauma education and life coaching knowledge. Based on principles of compassion and proficiency, I provide a safe space for individuals to address trauma, reduce life stress, and unlock their true potential, empowering them to lead fulfilling lives.


I appreciate your interest in my Trauma Life Coaching Consultancy. I am here to assist you if you have any questions or want to learn more about my Trauma Facilitating and Life Coaching programs. Please complete the contact form below; I will promptly respond to your inquiry. Your privacy and confidentiality are of utmost importance to me. I am committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for your personal growth and healing journey. I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you in achieving your goals.