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V.Y.R Behavioural Consulting

Hi, I am Vilia Y. Reynolds

Welcome to V.Y.R Behavioural Consulting.

Are you feeling lost in a maze of emotions and past traumas? You're not alone. My website is your wardrobe of love, offering a path to healing and growth through the principles of wearing love.

In my trauma life coaching practice, I use the Applied Metapsychology Approach and Trauma Incident Reduction (TIR) techniques to help you unburden past trauma, overcome current stress, and unlock your hidden abilities.

Just as a skilled tailor revitalises a garment, I work with you to mend the fabric of your emotional wardrobe, guiding you towards a brighter, empowered future. We'll carefully fold and organise each memory, unlocking new layers of strength and insight.

Join me on this journey of healing and growth, transforming your emotional wardrobe into a collection of experiences that reflect the beauty and strength within you. Let's tailor a path towards inner peace and self-acceptance for a future filled with endless possibilities.

Get Started

About V.Y.R Behavioural Consulting

V.Y.R Behavioural Consulting

Programs Profile

Hi, I am Vilia Y Reynolds, a Professional Learning Development Trauma Practitioner specialising in trauma coaching and commonly referred to as a Trauma Life Coach. I am a Certified Trauma Incident Reduction Facilitator (TIRF) and a registered member of the Professional Excellence Team of Trauma Practitioners of TIRA and TIRA-SA.

I have over 40 years of experience in learning and development. I have honed my expertise in guiding individuals towards healing and growth. My unique therapeutic approach, the Wardrobe of Love Life-Coaching Model® WoL™, blends multiple techniques from Applied Metapsychology to support individuals on their transformative journeys. My dedication to continuous learning and development ensures I remain at the forefront of trauma education and life coaching knowledge. Based on principles of compassion and proficiency, I provide a safe space for individuals to address trauma, reduce life stress, and unlock their true potential, empowering them to lead fulfilling lives.

About VYR Consulting

V.Y.R Behavioural Consulting

Programs Profile

Welcome to VYR Consulting, where we introduce the transformative Wardrobe of Love Life-Coaching Model® WoL™. This innovative life coaching methodology enhances emotional intelligence and resilience, guiding individuals through seven essential areas: Dream, Learn, Heal, Love, Live, Rejoice, and Excel. By fostering mindfulness and self-awareness, our clients harness the power of the heart for personal growth and fulfilment.

At the core of our trauma life coaching practice lies the Applied Metapsychology Approach, which incorporates Trauma Incident Reduction (TIR) techniques to facilitate healing and empowerment. Our multidisciplinary approach aims to release past traumas, navigate current life challenges, and unleash hidden potential using cutting-edge Ability Enhancement Techniques. Clients develop emotional intelligence and conquer obstacles to lead indeed enriching lives.

Through personalised treatment plans, disturbance lists, and the exploration of trauma roots, networks, and triggers, VYR Consulting paves the way for profound trauma healing and growth. We empower individuals to chart a client-led journey towards emotional well-being and a brighter future, creating a structured yet personalised environment where they can feel safe to embark on their transformative path. Join us in unlocking your true potential and thriving in every aspect of your life.

Clients embark on self-discovery and empowerment by embracing the Wardrobe of Love Life-Coaching Model® WoL™ at VYR Consulting. Our skilled trauma life coaches provide a safe and nurturing space for individuals to explore their innermost thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Through deep introspection, practical tools, and unwavering support, we guide our clients towards sustainable healing and growth.

At VYR Consulting, we believe in the transformative power of resilience and emotional intelligence. Our approach is not just about addressing past traumas but equipping individuals with the skills and mindset needed to thrive in adversity. We help our clients build a solid foundation for a fulfilling and joyful life by cultivating inner strength, fostering positive relationships, and embracing personal growth.

Discover the empowering possibilities that await you at VYR Consulting. Join us on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation. Let us help you unlock your full potential and live a purpose, passion, and joy-filled life. Are you ready to take the first step towards a brighter tomorrow?

At VYR Consulting, we are dedicated to creating a supportive and uplifting community where individuals can feel heard, understood, and valued. Our trauma life coaches are not just professionals but compassionate allies on your journey towards healing and personal growth. Through personalised guidance, empathetic listening, and practical strategies, we empower our clients to overcome challenges, cultivate resilience, and embrace their unique strengths.

The Wardrobe of Love Life-Coaching Model® WoL™ is not just a coaching methodology; it's a holistic approach to living authentically and joyfully. By integrating emotional intelligence, mindfulness practices, and personal development techniques, we help our clients create meaningful and lasting change in their lives. At VYR Consulting, we believe that every individual has the power to rewrite their story, reclaim their inner light, and step into a future filled with hope and possibility. The client is the expert in their life; therefore, we, as facilitators, are just the radar or compass to facilitate our clients to become the person they are intended to be.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment? Contact us today to learn more about our trauma life coaching services and how the Wardrobe of Love Life-Coaching Model® WoL™ can help you unlock your full potential. Your path to healing, growth, and joy starts here at VYR Consulting.

Wardrobe of Love Life Coaching Model

WoL Model TM - V.Y.R Behavioural Consulting

Step into the transformative world of the Wardrobe of Love Life-Coaching Model® WoL™, where empowerment and growth converge in a journey of self-discovery. This innovative life coaching methodology doesn't just guide individuals—it inspires them to dream, learn, heal, love, live, and excel. Fostering mindfulness and self-awareness, we harness the power of the heart for a life filled with fulfilment and purpose.

The Wardrobe of Love Life-Coaching Model® WoL™ is more than a coaching methodology; it's a holistic approach to authentic living and boundless joy. Through the integration of emotional intelligence, mindfulness practices, and personal development techniques, we pave the way for meaningful and lasting change in our clients' lives.

Embark on a metaphorical journey of self-discovery with the Wardrobe of Love, where emotional healing and true potential await. By curating your emotional wardrobe, releasing negativity, and cultivating positivity, you'll unlock the key to a fulfilling life. Our focus on healing past traumas, embracing dreams, and nurturing self-reflection ensures balance and wellness in all aspects of life.

At the heart of our Wardrobe of Love lies a love patch wear love, where the Applied Metapsychology Approach acts as the 'antibiotics' for healing. Through Trauma Incident Reduction (TIR) techniques, we empower individuals to heal, grow, and create a Wardrobe of Love filled with positivity, purpose, and abundance.

In this safe and supportive space, we encourage our clients to embrace vulnerability, face their fears, and cultivate a deep sense of self-love. The Wardrobe of Love Life-Coaching Model® WoL™ is a beacon of light in the journey toward personal transformation and empowerment.

As you step into the realm of the Wardrobe of Love Life-Coaching Model® WoL™, you will embark on a profound exploration of your innermost desires, strengths, and aspirations. Our experienced coaches act as your guides, helping you navigate the complexities of life with grace, resilience, and unwavering support.

We provide a roadmap for holistic growth and self-discovery through the seven essential areas of Dream, Learn, Heal, Love, Live, Rejoice, and Excel. Each step you take with us brings you closer to unlocking your true potential and living a life that resonates with authenticity and purpose.

Join us on this extraordinary journey of self-realisation, where your Wardrobe of Love Life-Coaching Model® WoL™ awaits to be filled with the colours of your dreams and the fabric of your heart's desires. Together, we will tailor a path leading you to inner harmony, outer success, and boundless love. Your transformation starts here, within the sacred space of the Wardrobe of Love Life-Coaching Model® WoL™

Programs Wardrobe of Love Wardrobe of Love Poem


In the following section, you will find a compilation of references from industry professionals that attest to my capabilities. These references have been thoughtfully curated to showcase my expertise and potential for growth. They serve as testaments to my leadership skills, ability to foster positive team dynamics, and deep understanding of human behavior.


WoL Model TM - V.Y.R Behavioural Consulting

The Reload blog helps guide individuals through healing from past traumas and embracing personal growth. It offers practical tools to integrate trauma, understand its impact, and build resilience. By rewriting narratives, readers are empowered to break free from their past, cultivating a future rich in healing and possibilities. The blog's empathetic approach and practical insights create a safe space for transformative journeys, fostering strength and authenticity. With user-friendly design and engaging visuals, "Reload" stands as a trusted companion on the path to self-discovery and empowerment.

Programs Reload Articles


The Trauma Life Coaching Programmes provide a safe and nurturing environment for individuals to heal from traumatic experiences. The programs offer personalised guidance and support to help clients achieve their goals and positively change various aspects of their lives. With my tailored expertise in trauma counselling, behaviour therapy and life coaching, I strive to empower individuals to overcome trauma, enhance their well-being, and achieve personal growth. The transformative approach, rooted in Applied Metapsychology and TIR Trauma Incident Reduction techniques, offers rapid relief from repressed trauma. Embrace a fulfilling life, free from burdens. Take a brave step towards a brighter future. Reclaim your life now!

CRISIS Critical Trauma Counselling

    CRISIS Critical Trauma Counselling
  • "United in resilience, the CRISIS Schema extends a helping hand, illuminating a path of healing and empowerment for those navigating the storm of adversity." - Vilia Y Reynolds.

LovePatch Trauma Counselling

    LovePatch Trauma Counselling
  • "Unlock your past, reclaim your present with Love Patch Trauma Counselling. " Vilia Y Reynolds

CArES Children Trauma Counselling

    CArES Children Trauma Counselling
  • "Our transformative CARES TIRC program creates a nurturing sanctuary for children where flight, fight, freeze, and fawn responses are understood and healed. Together, let's rewrite their story and shape a resilient future." Vilia Y Reynolds

Allelon Teens Trauma-Life Coaching Program

    Allelon Teens Trauma-Life Coaching Program
  • "Unlocking hope and resilience in young hearts, the Allelon Teens Trauma Life-Coaching Program empowers teens to overcome past traumas. Together, we navigate pain's depths, revealing a brighter future where strength and growth prevail, bringing healing and transformation." - Vilia Y Reynolds

Paddapoel Learning Program

    Paddapoel Learning Program
  • "Discover your potential, embrace learning and love with PaddaPoel Learning Program (PPLP): Love & Live - Read and Learn. Join our transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and academic excellence. Overcome obstacles, grow, and unleash your greatness. Enrol now for a brighter tomorrow!" - Vilia Y Reynolds

Soar Life Stress Reduction Program

    Soar Life Stress Reduction Program
  • "Soar Life empowers you through change, providing wings to fly and shoes to walk. Like birds, we guide you to keep your eyes on the horizon, rising above challenges. But remember the grounded buffalo, staying present, embracing change. With Soar Life, find inner peace on your transformative journey." - Vilia Y Reynolds

Bridge Life Coaching Program

    Bridge Life Coaching Program
  • "Transform your life and unlock your full potential with The Bridge Life Coaching Program. Leave behind past pain and embark on self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. Through personalized sessions, overcome trauma, cultivate self-awareness, and unleash your true potential. Experience clarity, resilience, and well-being as you pursue dreams and live a fulfilling life. Join our Ultimate Life Coachin...

Agape Celebrations: Workshop for couples

    Agape Celebrations: Workshop for couples
  • "Experience the magic of laughter and love with the Agape Program. Unleash joy, understanding, and adventure, elevating your relationship to new heights. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and connection, igniting a perpetual spark that keeps your love ablaze." Vilia Y Reynolds

Keturah for Victims of Abuse, Violence & Trafficking

    Keturah for Victims of Abuse, Violence & Trafficking
  • "Keturah's Radiant Legacy teaches us that the impact of life goes beyond its length. Like incense, her grace, kindness, and wisdom inspire generations to rise above challenges, spread compassion, and shine their unique light. Let her legacy guide us, empowering us to make a difference and create a brighter future for all." - Vilia Y Reynolds.

Albatros Community Project

    Albatros Community Project
  • "Embrace the strength of the albatross, soaring above life's storms, resilient in the face of adversity." - Vilia Y Reynolds

Equiblend LifePlanning Coaching Program

    Equiblend LifePlanning Coaching Program
  • "Seeking balance, purpose, and fulfilment in your life's journey? Introducing Equiblend, a transformative Life Coaching Planning Program designed to empower you towards a harmonious and purpose-driven existence." - Vilia Y Reynolds


Here are testimonials from clients who have experienced life-changing transformations through my services.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Metapsychology is a branch of psychology that explores the fundamental principles and processes underlying psychological phenomena. In the context of learning development, Metapsychology provides insights into how individuals acquire knowledge, process information, and develop cognitive and emotional capabilities. By understanding these underlying processes, Learning Development Specialists can design effective learning interventions and strategies that optimize learning outcomes.

  • Trauma Facilitating is a specilialised approach that supports individuals in healing from traumatic experiences. Trauma Facilitators create a safe and supportive environment where individuals can explore and process their trauma. Through various therapeutic techniques and interventions, Trauma Facilitators help individuals understand and integrate their traumatic experiences, reduce symptoms of trauma, and regain a sense of empowerment and resilience

  • A Life Coach is a professional who supports individuals in achieving personal and professional goals, improving overall well-being, and creating positive life changes. Life Coaches provide guidance, motivation, and accountability to their clients. I help clients identify their strengths, clarify their values and aspirations, and develop strategies and action plans to overcome obstacles and achieve desired outcomes

  • Trauma Facilitating and Life Coaching can complement each other by addressing different aspects of an individual's well-being. Trauma Facilitating focuses on healing from past traumatic experiences and addressing the emotional and psychological impact of trauma. Life Coaching, on the other hand, focuses on personal development, goal-setting, and creating positive changes in various areas of life. Integrating both approaches can provide a comprehensive support system that addresses past trauma while empowering individuals to create a fulfilling and balanced future.

  • The duration of the healing process in Trauma Facilitating can vary depending on several factors, including the nature and severity of the trauma, individual resilience, and personal circumstances. Healing from trauma is a unique journey for each individual, and there is no fixed timeline. Trauma Facilitators work collaboratively with clients to create a personalized healing plan and support them throughout their healing process, adjusting the pace and approach as needed.

  • Yes, Life Coaching sessions are highly tailored to individual needs. Life Coaches work closely with clients to understand their unique circumstances, goals, and aspirations. I utilise various coaching techniques and tools to facilitate self-reflection, goal-setting, and action planning based on the client's specific needs and preferences. This personalized approach ensures that the coaching process is aligned with the client's values, strengths, and desired outcomes.

  • My Learning Development Specialists hold advanced degrees in psychology, counseling, or a related field. I have specilialised training and certifications in trauma facilitation, life coaching, and metapsychology. Additionally, I have practical experience working with individuals who have experienced trauma and are committed to ongoing professional development to stay updated with the latest research and best practices in the field.

  • As a Learning Development Specialist I hold advanced degrees in psychology, counseling, or a related field. I have specilialised training and certifications in trauma facilitation, life coaching, and metapsychology. Additionally, I have practical experience working with individuals who have experienced trauma and are committed to ongoing professional development to stay updated with the latest research and best practices in the field.

  • Yes, I offer remote sessions for Trauma Facilitating and Life Coaching. Through online platforms or video conferencing, I can effectively facilitate sessions and provide support to individuals regardless of their geographical location. Remote sessions offer convenience and flexibility, allowing clients to receive the assistance I need from the comfort of their own homes.

  • To get started with my Trauma Facilitating and Life Coaching services, simply reach out to us through my website or contact information provided. I will schedule an initial consultation to discuss your needs, answer any questions you may have, and determine the best course of action for your personal growth and healing journey.


Thank you for your interest in my Learning Development Specialist business. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about my Trauma Facilitating and Life Coaching programs, we are here to assist you. Please fill out the contact form below, and my dedicated team will respond to your inquiry promptly. Your privacy and confidentiality are of utmost importance to us. We are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for your personal growth and healing journey. We look forward to connecting with you and supporting you in achieving your goals.