Ek was n stukkende meisie my lewe was so stukkend en seer deurmekaar, niemand vertrou, bang vir mans, mishandel, geslaan, so naby die dood, selfmoord, geen doel in die lewe gehad nie n slegte agtergrond, toe kom ek by Vilia uit. So het ons gesels, nog baie onseker, maar syt manier om jou so te laat rustig en velig voel die as ek bang was of angsaanvalle wou kry kon sy my dadelik met haar tegnieke rustig maak die kussing en teddies wat ons kon vashhou hou en die kamer van haar is nou nog n toevlug in my nood, dis veilig en niemand kan jou seermaak nie, sys liefdevol in haar tegniek terwyl sy met jou praat sy weet net hoe en vandag is ek n ander mens vol selfvertroue ek kan weer die wereld in die oe kyk sys dierbaar en het my deur my trauma gehelp wat ongelooflik pynlik was. Nuwe meisie
Anonymous, South Africa
V.Y.R Behavioural Consulting
Hi, I am Vilia Y Reynolds, a Professional Learning Development Trauma Practitioner specialising in trauma coaching and commonly referred to as a Trauma Life Coach. I am a Certified Trauma Incident Reduction Facilitator (TIRF) and a registered member of the Professional Excellence Team of Trauma Practitioners of TIRA and TIRA-SA.I have over 40 years of experience in learning and development. I have honed my expertise in guiding individuals towards healing and growth. My unique therapeutic approach, the Wardrobe of Love Life-Coaching Model® WoL™, blends multiple techniques from Applied Metapsychology to support individuals on their transformative journeys. My dedication to continuous learning and development ensures I remain at the forefront of trauma education and life coaching knowledge. Based on principles of compassion and proficiency, I provide a safe space for individuals to address trauma, reduce life stress, and unlock their true potential, empowering them to lead fulfilling lives.