
Goeie dag Met n groot bekommernis, stukkende hart, hande in die hare oor my kind wat nie homself was nie en op die spesifieke dag nie kon ophou huil nie en ook nie n woord met my praat nie van altyd "happy go lucky", sing in die stort, grapjas, na hierdie lyfie wat oor alles huil, het ek drastiese antwoorde en hulp gesoek,met hulp van n vriendin het ek Vilia se nommer gekry en hulp is ons dadelik gegee, selfde dag nog my kind gesien en my kind in ń "crisis" oomblik gesit. Met verlof op Vilia se kalender het sy steeds my kind ingevat en tyd met hom spandeer en antwoorde gesoek en gekry. Vandag is my kind weer "happy go lucky", toe hy weer een aand in die stort sing toe klop hierdie mamma hart van blydskap, my kind is gered,ek sou nooit self by die waarheid uitgekom het nie al het ek en my seun ń openlike, eerlike verhouding was die net te groot om te dra in sy hart en te bewerk in sy jong kop! Boelie was die probleem - ek het gesien hoe my kind in n kwessie van ń paar maande in ń ander persoon met baie seer en donkerte verander, belang gestel in niks, gehuil oor letterlik alles- maar vandag kan ek met ń baie dankbare hart sê Vilia ek het my kind terug, hy is weer my yster soos ek hom ken. Dankie vir jou ure en boodskappe wat jy ingesit het en al die hulp en omgee en liefde! Dankbaar is ń klein beskrywing aan jou van hierdie mamma en kind se harte Dankie baie

Génay, South Africa

V.Y.R Behavioural Consultingu

V.Y.R Behavioural Consulting

Hi, I am Vilia Y Reynolds, a Professional Learning Development Trauma Practitioner specialising in trauma coaching and commonly referred to as a Trauma Life Coach. I am a Certified Trauma Incident Reduction Facilitator (TIRF) and a registered member of the Professional Excellence Team of Trauma Practitioners of TIRA and TIRA-SA.

I have over 40 years of experience in learning and development. I have honed my expertise in guiding individuals towards healing and growth. My unique therapeutic approach, the Wardrobe of Love Life-Coaching Model® WoL™, blends multiple techniques from Applied Metapsychology to support individuals on their transformative journeys. My dedication to continuous learning and development ensures I remain at the forefront of trauma education and life coaching knowledge. Based on principles of compassion and proficiency, I provide a safe space for individuals to address trauma, reduce life stress, and unlock their true potential, empowering them to lead fulfilling lives.


I appreciate your interest in my Trauma Life Coaching Consultancy. I am here to assist you if you have any questions or want to learn more about my Trauma Facilitating and Life Coaching programs. Please complete the contact form below; I will promptly respond to your inquiry. Your privacy and confidentiality are of utmost importance to me. I am committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for your personal growth and healing journey. I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you in achieving your goals.