The Complicated Web of Lies: Understanding the Link Between Lying, Self-Esteem, and
Mental Health - Vilia Y Reynolds
"Imprisoned in a web of lies, truth suffocates within us."
Lying is a coping mechanism that, over time, can evolve into an antagonistic behavioural trait deeply intertwined with our fight-flight stress response. When faced with challenging situations or emotional turmoil, some individuals resort to lies as a shield against confronting their truths.
Initially intended to provide solace, this protective barrier gradually morphs into a complex web of deceit that entangles the liar and those around them.
At the core of this web lies the issue of self-esteem. Individuals grappling with low self-esteem often find it arduous to confront their realities head-on. The fear of facing their perceived inadequacies, failures, or vulnerabilities compels them to escape into a world of falsehoods.
Truth becomes a menacing entity, a threat capable of shattering the fragile facade they have meticulously constructed.
However, the repercussions of this behaviour extend beyond the individual. Lying not only harms the liar but also inflicts wounds on those deceived. Being lied to instils feelings of betrayal, inadequacy, and unworthiness in others. Realising that someone felt the need to deceive them can breed mistrust and sow seeds of doubt in their minds. The cycle of dishonesty perpetuates a culture of deceit where authenticity and transparency are sacrificed at the altar of self-preservation.
Living a life entrenched in a web of lies prevents individuals from experiencing true abundance.
They find themselves confined within the walls of fear, perpetually haunted by the looming spectre of "what if." Their deceit burdens their conscience, fueling a perpetual state of anxiety and unease. This constant state of inner turmoil can pave the way for the development of mental disorders such as Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED), Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), and debilitating anxiety attacks.
Breaking free from lying requires a willingness to confront one's truths, no matter how daunting they may seem. Embracing vulnerability, seeking support, and cultivating self-compassion are crucial steps towards dismantling the facade of deceit and stepping into the light of authenticity.
Only by unravelling the tangled threads of lies that bind us can we embark on a journey towards genuine self-acceptance, healing, and liberation from the prisons we have constructed out of fear and falsehood.